Stories from Puerto Rico
[Introduction: Fragment.]
Kal Wagenheim
Several outstanding contemporary writer’s are active on today’s literary scene… Luis López Nieves (born in 1950) has won the National Literature Prize twice, for his book of historical short stories, La verdadera muerte de Juan Ponce de León (2000), and his novel, El corazón de Voltaire (2005), which tells the story of Roland Luziere, a professor of genetics at the Sorbonne, and Dr. Ysabeau de Vassy, a historian, who set out to establish the authenticity of Voltaire’s heart, which rests at the Bibliotèque Nationale in Paris.
Stories from Puerto Rico, Kal Wagenheim (compilador y editor), First Markus Weiner Publishers, Princeton, NJ, Estados Unidos, 2008 (Introducción).